Edisto Island ’07-’08

Old pictures showcasing the many beautiful places of Edisto Island, SC. Mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, and gnats not included. But the spiders are cool!

We’re bank to the Canon Powershot A540, and my low-res photos.
Fun fact: Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is in the Bromeliad family.
Check out more! (opens in new tab) 12.22.2007

We owned property by the water, and the neighboring landowners let us use their dock. 12.25.2008

Edisto Island, SC 03.05.2009

Weeding through these has been difficult because it was often hard to see on older screens just how blurry my pictures were. Folders from my old Powershot A540 and my Droid have been painful to look at. Pictures that I thought looked good on older computers are appallingly blurry on modern high-def screens.

The current owners have chopped much of this to the ground, and I’ve been told that the same has happened with the property above. I don’t understand what it is out-of-towners have against shelter. I really just don’t get it. (12.24.2007/08.10.2008)

The second two are of a Yellow Rat Snake shed skin and a Paper Wasp nest. My grandmother fed the birds religiously every morning for 18 years, so on top of having quite the proliferation of birds, we also got the snakes that prey on them! (They are harmless, and also ate any rodents that made it past our Bluetick Coonhound.) 08.23.2008

Did I mention my family likes things green? In hindsight, I want to go back and liberate that Palmetto, though! 08.25.2008

And sometimes the spiders eat the Paper Wasps!

Again, with lower resolution monitors, these were much sharper-looking! I used that last picture as a photo reference for an art project. Now I can barely see it. 12.30.2008

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